Optimal Dynamic Contracting
Discussion Papers

Discussion Paper No. 356
January 4, 2023

Aggregate Information and Organizational Structures


Gorkem Celik (ESSEC Business School, THEMA Research Center)
Dongsoo Shin (Santa Clara University)
Roland Strausz (HU Berlin)


We study information flows in an organization with a top management (principal) and multiple subunits (agents) with private information that determines the organization's aggregate efficiency. Under centralization, eliciting the agents' private information may induce the principal to manipulate aggregate information, which obstructs an effective use of information for the organization. Under delegation, the principal concedes more information rent, but is able to use the agents' information more effectively. The trade-off between the organizational structures depends on the likelihood that the agents are efficient. Centralizing information flows is optimal when such likelihood is low. Delegation, by contrast, is optimal when it is high.


agency; aggregate information; organization design;



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Discussion Paper No. 348
November 30, 2022

Dynamic Screening with Verifiable Bankruptcy


Daniel Krähmer (University of Bonn)
Roland Strausz (HU Berlin)


We consider a dynamic screening model where the agent may go bankrupt due to, for example, cash constraints. We model bankruptcy as a verifiable event that occurs whenever the agent makes a per period loss. This leads to less stringent truth-telling constraints than those considered in the existing literature. We show that the weaker constraints do not af- fect optimal contracting in private values settings but may do so with interdependent values. Moreover, we develop a novel method to study private values settings with continuous types and identify a new regularity condition that ensures that the optimal contract is deterministic.


dynamic screening; bankruptcy; verifiability; mean preserving spread;



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Discussion Paper No. 347

Correlation-Savvy Sellers


Roland Strausz (HU Berlin)


A multi-product monopolist sells sequentially to a buyer who privately learns his valuations. Using big data, the monopolist learns the intertemporal correlation of the buyer's valuations. Perfect price discrimination is generally unattainable—even when the seller learns the correlation perfectly, has full commitment, and in the limit where the consumption good about which the buyer has ex ante private information becomes insignificant. This impossibility is due to informational externalities which requires information rents for the buyer's later consumption. These rents induce upward and downward distortions, violating the generalized no distortion at the top principle of dynamic mechanism design.




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Discussion Paper No. 332
July 21, 2022

Cooperation, Competition, and Welfare in a Matching Market


Helmut Bester (HU Berlin, FU Berlin)
József Sákovics (University of the Balearic Islands, University of Edinburgh)


We investigate the welfare effect of increasing competition in an anonymous two-sided matching market, where matched pairs play an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Higher matching efficiency is usually considered detrimental as it creates stronger incentives for defection. We point out, however, that a reduction in matching frictions also increases welfare because more agents find themselves in a cooperative relationship. We characterize the conditions for which increasing competition increases overall welfare. In particular, this is always the case when the incentives for defection are high.


cooperation; prisoner's dilemma; competition; welfare; matching; trust building;



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Discussion Paper No. 329
May 18, 2022

Stochastic Contracts and Subjective Evaluations


Matthias Lang (LMU Munich)


Subjective evaluations are widely used, but call for different contracts from classical moral-hazard settings. Previous literature shows that contracts require payments to third parties. I show that the (implicit) assumption of deterministic contracts makes payments to third parties necessary. This paper studies incentive contracts with stochastic compensation, like payments in stock options or uncertain arbitration procedures. These contracts incentivize employees without the need for payments to third parties. In addition, stochastic contracts can be more efficient and can make the principal better off compared to deterministic contracts. My results also address the puzzle about the prevalence of labor contracts with stochastic compensation.


Subjective evaluations; Stochastic contracts; Stochastic compensation; Budget-balanced contracts; Moral Hazard; Subjective performance measures; Incentives;



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Discussion Paper No. 327
May 5, 2022

Portfolio Liquidation Games with Self-Exciting Order Flow


Ulrich Horst (HU Berlin)
Guanxing Fu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Xiaonyu Xia (Wenzhou University)


We analyze novel portfolio liquidation games with self-exciting order flow. Both the $N$-player game and the mean-field game are considered. We assume that players' trading activities have an impact on the dynamics of future market order arrivals thereby generating an additional transient price impact. Given the strategies of her competitors each player solves a mean-field control problem. We characterize open-loop Nash equilibria in both games in terms of a novel mean-field FBSDE system with unknown terminal condition. Under a weak interaction condition we prove that the FBSDE systems have unique solutions. Using a novel sufficient maximum principle that does not require convexity of the cost function we finally prove that the solution of the FBSDE systems do indeed provide open-loop Nash equilibria.


stochastic games; mean-field games; portfolio liquidation; Hawkes process; singular terminal value;



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Discussion Paper No. 324
April 19, 2022

Collective Brand Reputation


Roland Strausz (HU Berlin)
Nocke Volker (Mannheim University)


We develop a theory of collective brand reputation for markets in which product quality is jointly determined by local and global players. In a repeated game of imperfect public monitoring, we model collective branding as an aggregation of quality signals generated in different markets. Such aggregation yields a beneficial informativeness effect for incentivizing the global player. It however also induces harmful free-riding by local, market-specific players. The resulting tradeoff yields a theory of optimal brand size and revenue sharing that applies to platform markets, franchising, licensing, umbrella branding, and firms with team production.


collective branding; reputation; free-riding; repeated games; imperfect monitoring;



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Discussion Paper No. 301
November 19, 2021

Optimal Non-Linear Pricing with Data-Sensitive Consumers


Roland Strausz (HU Berlin)
Krähmer Daniel (University of Bonn)


We introduce consumers with intrinsic privacy preferences into the monopolistic non-linear pricing model. Next to classical consumers, there is a share of data-sensitive consumers who incur a privacy cost if their purchase reveals information to the monopolist. The monopolist discriminates between privacy types using privacy mechanisms which consist of a direct mechanism and a privacy option, targeting, respectively, classical and data-sensitive consumers. We show that a privacy mechanism is optimal if privacy costs are large and that it yields classical consumers a higher utility than data-sensitive consumers with the same valuation. If, by contrast, privacy preferences are public information, data-sensitive consumers with a low valuation obtain a strictly higher utility than classical consumers. With public privacy preferences, data-sensitive consumers and the monopolist are better off, whereas classical consumers are worse off. Our results are relevant for policy measures that target the data-awareness of consumers, such as the European GDPR.


optimal non-linear pricing; privacy; monopolistic screening;



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Discussion Paper No. 287
November 10, 2021

Fairness and Competition in a Bilateral Matching Market


Helmut Bester (FU Berlin, HU Berlin)


This paper analyzes fairness and bargaining in a dynamic bilateral matching market. Traders from both sides of the market are pairwise matched to share the gains from trade. The bargaining outcome depends on the traders’ fairness attitudes. In equilibrium fairness matters because of market frictions. But, when these frictions become negligible, the equilibrium approaches the Walrasian com- petitive equilibrium, independently of the traders’ inequity aversion. Fairness may yield a Pareto improvement; but also the contrary is possible. Overall, the market implications of fairness are very different from its effects in isolated bilat- eral bargaining.


fairness; inequity aversion; bargaining; ultimatum game; matching market; search costs; competitive equilibrium;



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Discussion Paper No. 286

Signaling versus Auditing


Helmut Bester (FU Berlin)
Matthias Lang (LMU Munich)
Jianpei Li (University of International Business and Economics Beijing)


We analyze a competitive labor market in which workers signal their productivities through education à la Spence (1973), and firms have the option of auditing to learn workers’ productivities. Audits are costly and non–contractible. We characterize the trade–offs between signaling by workers and costly auditing by firms. Auditing is always associated with (partial) pooling of worker types, and education is used as a signal only if relatively few workers have low productivity. Our results feature new auditing patterns and explain empirical observations in labor economics like wage differentials and comparative statics of education choices. Our analysis applies also to other signal- ing problems, e.g., the financial structure of firms, warranties, and initial public offerings.


signaling; information acquisition; auditing; wage differentials; wage dispersion;



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