On Factors of Consumer Heterogeneity in (Mis)Valuation of Future Energy Costs: Evidence for the German Automobile Market


Pleshcheva, Vlada (HU Berlin)
Klapper, Daniel (HU Berlin)
Dannewald, Till (Wiesbaden Business School)


In this paper, we first recover the individual valuation of expected future fuel costs at the time of a car purchase and then explore how various factors relate to the recovered consumer undervaluation of fuel savings (on average, consumers’ willingness-to-pay for a €1 reduction in fuel costs is below €0.20).


energy-efficiency paradox; hedonic discrete choice model; vehicle purchase; willingness-to-pay


D12; D90; M31; Q51


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On Factors of Consumer Heterogeneity in (Mis)Valuation of Future Energy Costs: Evidence for the German Automobile Market
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