Competition between States and the Historical Roots of Identity
Discussion Papers

Discussion Paper No. 143
November 8, 2021

Persistence and Activation of Right-Wing Political Ideology


Davide Cantoni (LMU Munich, CESifo)
Felix Hagemeister (LMU Munich)
Mark Westcott (Vivid Economics)


We argue that a long-run cultural persistence of right-wing ideology can explain the recent rise of right-wing populism. Shifts in the supply of party platforms can interact with this existing demand, and give rise to patterns of historical persistence. We study the context of Germany in the 2017 federal election, when the emergence of the AfD offered voters a populist right-wing option, with little social stigma attached. We show that municipalities that expressed strong support for the Nazi party in 1933 are more likely to vote for the AfD now, but not in 2013, when the AfD was a more moderate, fiscally conservative party. Using opinion surveys, we show that these dynamics are not generated by a concurrent demand shift: political attitudes do not shift sharply to the right in the municipalities with a history of Nazi support.


persistence; culture; right-wing ideology; germany;



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Discussion Paper No. 52
November 4, 2021

Coal and Blood: Industrialization and the Rise of Nationalism in Prussia before 1914


Felix Kersting (HU Berlin)


Industrialization and the rise of nationalism were the two major developments in Germany before the World War I. A novel county-level dataset reveals that industrialization and nationalism measured by membership in the "Kriegervereine'", the biggest civil organization at the time, were negatively correlated. Using coal potential as an IV for identification, I find strong evidence for a causal impact of industrialization on nationalism. In order to detect possible mechanisms, a three stage IV regression model produces strong support that migration and trade union membership were crucial factors that linked industrialization and nationalism.


nationalism; industrialization; Prussia;



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