Educational Choices, Market Design, and Student Outcomes

January 2, 2018

Depth of Reasoning and Information Revelation: An Experiment on the Distribution of k-Levels

Dorothea Kübler (TU Berlin and WZB)
Volker Benndorf (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Hans-Theo Normann (Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics)
Published 2017 in:

International Game Theory Review, 19 (4), 1-18


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October 19, 2017

Clean Up Your Own Mess: An Experimental Study of Moral Responsibility and Efficiency

Roel van Veldhuizen (WZB Berlin)
Michael Jakob (MCC Berlin)
Jan Christoph Steckel (MCC Berlin, TU Berlin and PIK Potsdam)
Dorothea Kübler (WZB Berlin and TU Berlin)
Published 2017 in:

Journal of Public Economics, 155, 138-146


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October 19, 2017

Knowledge Capital and Aggregate Income Differences: Development Accounting for U.S. States

Ludger Wößmann (University of Munich and ifo Institute)
Eric A. Hanushek (Stanford University)
Jens Ruhose (University of Hannover)
Published 2017 in:

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 9(4), 184-224


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August 30, 2017

Education and Religious Participation: City-Level Evidence from Germany’s Secularization Period 1890-1930

Ludger Wößmann (University of Munich and ifo Institute)
Sascha O. Becker (University of Warwick)
Markus Nagler (University of Munich)
Published 2017 in:

Journal of Economic Growth, 22(3), 273-311


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February 24, 2017

General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle

Hanushek, Eric A. (Stanford University)
Schwerdt, Guido (University of Konstanz and ifo)
Woessmann, Ludger (University of Munich and ifo)
Zhang, Lei (University of Shanghai Jiao Tong)
Published 2017 in:

Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), 48-87


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February 24, 2017

Coping with Change: International Differences in the Returns to Skills

Hanushek, Eric A. (Stanford University)
Schwerdt, Guido (University of Konstanz and ifo)
Wiederhold, Simon (Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, University of Munich and ifo Institute)
Woessmann, Ludger (University of Munich and ifo)
Published 2017 in:

Economics Letters, 153, 15-19


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February 24, 2017

The Information Value of Central School Exams

Schwerdt, Guido (University of Konstanz and ifo)
Woessmann, Ludger (University of Munich and ifo)
Published 2017 in:

Economics of Education Review, 56, 65-79


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